Monday, January 19, 2015

What I heard inspired the herd...

Goats scream. No, I mean REALLY. The kind of "scream" that wakes a mother from a dead sleep because, no matter her location in the world, she is just SURE that dingos are eating her baby. Some of you may already know this to be true, due to the "viral" youtube videos (and poor Taylor swift). If you have not heard a goat scream up close and in person, well... I envy you. It's horrible. And as a mom myself, I feel it in my bones.

Goats (like most hoofed animals) travel in herds. Safety in numbers right? Anyway. This is not just something they "enjoy" on leisurely occasions, ya know, just to be "sociable", long-walks-on-the-beach sorta action. This is their way of life. A built in NEED in order to survive. I knew this. The internet had told me so. Via numerous different sources. However, somehow, when I got to the sweet farm from which we had acquired "Sadie", they assured me that she would be totally fine alone because she was "preggers", and the joy of being so was already overwhelming her heart so much, that any other goat would simply be an unnecessary distraction to her intuitive nesting needs. Sounded legit. So we watched with satisfied grins as they yanked, lead her by "noose resembling lead" into our car and then explained how to return said "rope-of-death" back to them for the next executi... adoption.

We drove her home. She was a little timid, scared, which was ABSOLUTELY to be expected. We lovingly introduced her to her new, handmade pen. She took to it well, and really seemed to enjoy the love and attention being lavished unabashedly upon her. 

You know how most "love" the smell of newborn babies? Well, I LOVE the smell of nigerian dwarf goats. "WHAT!? but why?" you may ask. Answer. THEY SMELL LIKE GOAT CHEESE. No joke. And if you hate "goat cheese" that's ok. However, I have a question for you. Why are you reading this blog? 

Anyway, I digress. They. Smell. Awesome. Back to Sadie.

Things seemed smooth. She was not stand-offish to her new digs, and I felt accomplished. That was, until the moment that I took even a step away from the pen. This was the first time that I heard "it". An undeniable cry-scream (please do not even ATTEMPT to confuse that with ICE CREAM). It was loud, horrible and heart breaking. So much so that it apparently can even stir the sought after heart of the male species. Or maybe he was "kindly" saying, "shut that thing up or I will kill it" ( in-organically).

Sadie would do ^ this, every night until it was totally dark. And then it was silence. The MINUTE the sun fully set, on cue, not a sound. However the guilt still lingered. So, I  immediately did what any other caring human being would obviously do... took to craigslist. And all of a sudden I felt like I was starring in the movie "Big" and craigslist was playing the part of "Zoltar" the disappearing fortune telling machine. All traces of "dwarf goats" in the area had dwindled to nothing. A broader search of "goats" only made suggested "offerings" beginning at more than an hour away. OH. And on a side note, it was Christmas eve...

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